Cupping therapy

Cupping is a therapeutic technique that involves placing suction cups on the skin to create a vacuum-like effect. It has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine and has gained popularity in recent years for its potential benefits in pain management and relaxation.

In our office, we use a form of cupping called dynamic cupping which is a variation of traditional cupping therapy that involves the use of movement to enhance the therapeutic effects. During a dynamic cupping session, we will apply suction cups to specific areas of the body, typically along the spine, shoulders, neck, or hips. The cups are then moved across the skin to create a gentle massage-like effect.

The movement of the cups can help stimulate blood flow and lymphatic drainage, reduce muscle tension, and promote relaxation. Dynamic cupping is often used in combination with other chiropractic techniques, such as manual manipulation or exercise therapy, to help improve range of motion and relieve pain.

One benefit of dynamic cupping is that it can be adjusted to the patient's individual needs and preferences. The intensity and duration of the treatment can be varied depending on the patient's level of pain or discomfort. Additionally, different sizes and types of cups can be used to target specific areas or provide a more generalized treatment.

Interested in trying cupping for yourself? Book a one-on-one cupping appointment with Dr. Andrea using the button below!

Dynamic cupping treatment may cause mild discomfort or bruising in some patients, but these effects are typically temporary. As with any chiropractic treatment, it is essential to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine whether dynamic cupping is appropriate for your individual needs.