In our ongoing commitment to your health and well-being, we’ve carefully selected a range of products that we not only trust and use within our office, but also confidently recommend for your at-home care. Our goal is to ensure that the benefits of your visits with us extend into your daily life, providing you with tools and resources to maintain and enhance your health and fitness between appointments.


The Neck hammock

A portable solution for cervical traction designed by healthcare experts. Ideal for relief from neck and upper back discomfort anywhere, its easy setup and versatile usage make it a perfect complement to your in-office treatment.


HYpervolt go

Elevate your recovery with the Hypervolt Go massage gun, a lightweight and portable solution for deep muscle relief that pairs seamlessly with your active lifestyle. Perfect for maintaining muscle health between chiropractic visits.


resistance band set

These bands are ideal for integrating full-body workouts, including arms, back, legs, and glutes, into your routine, fostering strength and flexibility. Perfectly aligned with both fitness and rehabilitation goals, they're an essential tool for anyone looking to get the most out of their home exercise program.

hypervolt heated head attachment

This attachment is designed to deepen the impact of your hypervolt by adding a soothing layer of heat, helping to relax tight muscles, improve blood flow, and maintain your full range of motion.

posture medic

Unlike traditional posture braces that restrict movement and rely on static positioning, the Posture Medic promotes active engagement of muscles while ensuring your spine remains correctly aligned. This dynamic approach facilitates natural, long-term improvements in your posture. *Available for purchase in office*

wobble board

This versatile balance board is not only effective in improving core strength, coordination, and posture but also offers a dynamic range of exercises to enhance your overall balance. Ideal for everyone from fitness enthusiasts to athletes, it's a perfect tool for both rehabilitation and advanced workouts.

arm pulley

This Over the Door Shoulder Pulley System is a simple, yet highly effective tool designed to alleviate shoulder pain and enhance the recovery process. Tailored for individuals undergoing rehabilitation for shoulder injuries or surgery, this exercise pulley system is crucial for restoring normal range of motion (ROM) and improving overall shoulder function. *Available for purchase in office*

fabric resistance bands

Designed for your on-the-go lifestyle, these bands are lightweight and come with a mesh carrying pouch, making them easy to take with you anywhere, ensuring you never miss a workout, even on the move.

elbow brace

Whether it's tennis, golf, hiking, fishing, or any activity that puts a strain on your forearms, these arm braces are your go-to solution for pain relief and prevention of repetitive stress injuries. *Available for purchase in office*

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